Maata Vinaali s a powerful and inspiring song from the much-anticipated movie Hari Hara Veera Mallu, featuring the legendary Pawan Kalyan as the lead...
"Namo Namah Shivaya" is a soul-stirring devotional track from the movie Thandel, beautifully rendered by Anurag Kulkarni and Haripriya. Written by the legendary lyricist...
"Block Buster Pongal" is an energetic festive song from the movie Sankranthiki Vasthunam, featuring the vibrant voices of ‘Victory’ Venkatesh, Bheems Ceciroleo, and ‘Mayipilo’...
"Sonu Model" is an electrifying track from the movie Laila, featuring the powerful vocals of Narayanan Ravishankar and Reshma Shyam. Written by Vishwaksen and...
"Swathi Reddy" is a captivating song from the movie Mad Square, featuring the dynamic vocals of Bheems Ceciroleo and Swathi Reddy UK. With heartfelt...
"Chinni" is a captivating song from the highly anticipated movie Daaku Maharaaj, performed by the soulful Vishal Mishra. With lyrics penned by the renowned...
"Dhop" is a high-energy song from the much-anticipated movie Game Changer, featuring Ram Charan. Sung by the talented trio Prudhvi Sruthi Ranjani, Roshini JKV,...