"Seethamma Song" is a charming song from the Telugu movie "Alanaati Ramachandrudu." Sung by Kapil Kapilan, Pranathi, and Shahbaz Khan, this track features a...
"Raale Puvve Song" from the Telugu movie Average Student Nani is performed by Lakshmi Sravani and Karthik B Kodakandla. With music composed by Karthik...
"Kya Lafda Song" is a vibrant and energetic song from the highly anticipated Telugu movie, "Double ISMART." Sung by the talented Dhanunjay Seepana and...
"Emaindho Manase Song" is a beautiful song from the Telugu movie "Average Student Nani." The song is sung by the talented Shakthisree Gopalan, whose...
"Vellake Vellake Sakhiya Song" is a melodious song from the Telugu movie "Nilakanta," featuring the enchanting voices of Karthik and Jayasri Pallem. The lyrics,...
"Ghallu Ghallu Song" is a captivating song from the Telugu movie "Usha Parinayam," featuring the melodious voices of Lipsika and RR Dhruvan. The lyrics,...
"AAY Theme Song" is the stirring theme song from the Telugu movie AAY, featuring vocals by Ananth Siddharth and Mokshit Y. Suresh Banisetti's lyrics...